As one of the year-end features, I decided to pick some of my favorite answers from a question I asked people for Chitthi Exchange: What's a lesson that this lockdown has taught you':
-You can't rush it.
-Coconut milk is a love language.
-Society is running a deficit of love
-Home has unseen corners, now noticed.
-Self discipline is an important part of self love.
-Accept the uncertain.
-Anything that seems like a lot is actually not.
-Our life on this planet is just a mirage.
-To keep chocolate ice cream in the fridge AT ALL TIMES.
-"Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight"
-The world can be a kinder place than we know, even when it’s going up in flames. Both hope and despair forever coexist.
-That time heals everything
-Focus more on doing rather than planning
-Do more outside.
-There's always room for unlearning and learning.
-Live in this moment and love yourself boundlessly
-Never stop learning. Be kind to each other and look after each other.
-Just start working on your skills as soon as you can
-You cannot pour from an empty cup
-I can't live without her.
-Consistency is the key
-Follow your gut.
-Surprises can be bittersweet
-I'm less self-sufficient than I thought I was
-I’m not as much of an introvert as I’d assumed.
-Work from home is the greatest human discovery
-Bad times don't last forever.
-Most lost opportunities can turn into silver linings, keep your eyes peeled.
-Control is an illusion, it's good to let go sometimes
-Life is too short to survive without an oven
-There is a huge system of human beings working to support our daily lives and it is immensely important to empathise with them. Empathise, not sympathise.
-Home is not a place, it is a feeling.
-Necessity is the mother of Invention
-Everybody needs somebody
-There are way bigger problems in the world than what I go through.
-We should be close to nature
-We need people in our lives.
-Time is gold
-My daughter was, is and will always remain my biggest strength and weakness.
-Saving is very important
-You could miss pizza more than you miss people.
-Build yourself every day.
-Withdrawal is also a form of growth.
-A pause can be life changing
-Never be overly attached to your plans
-You've always got time if you just figure how to spend it
-You can never read too many books
-Be brave to ask for help.
-Respond, don’t react.
-I need to be kinder to myself
-Generation gap is real.
-You have no control on the lemons life gives you!
-i need to make better use of my privilege
-Grow your own food
-Don’t carry your past
-A hug can make things better
-Time is relative