"G.C. Laha has played an essential role in how art evolved in Calcutta. Being more than 100 years old, it has not changed much. The same old logotype and other ancient souvenirs from the British Raj make the store a living testimony of the art scene in India during Pre Independence.
The store was a catalyst in the careers of many great artists from India. Rabindranath Tagore, Raja Ravi Verma, Satyajit Ray and many other artists often acquired paint supplies from G.C Laha.
While documenting this store, I came across a story of when Raja Ravi Verma needed a Prussian Blue colour for his painting that wasn’t available in the South. Mr Girindra Coomar Laha happily couriered it to him from Calcutta for nothing in return. R. R. Verma, taken aback by his generosity, painted a portrait of G.C Laha’s wife to pay his debt. The painting still adorns the walls of their ancestral home."
-Radhika Kedia