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Translation of Courtyard of Miracles by Maurizio Cucchi: Devanshi Khetarpal

Artwork by Anirudh Acharya

Courtyard of Miracles by Maurizio Cucchi

Translated from Italian by Devanshi Khetarpal

It’s not possible to hear it with your own ears.

Live it – I understand you – a hell, a shame,

an anxiety to escape (but let’s stay

in details most essential and least pleasing:

the plant in the sacristy, the notable

wrongdoings of the provost, the unctuousness of the coadjutors –

the hunchback and the deaf – and the nuns. The theft

of the charity boxes, the gun,

wrapped in newspaper, the shot down the barrel…)

Corte Dei Miracoli by Maurizio Cucchi

Non è credibile a sentirlo con le proprie orecchie.

Viverlo – ti capisco – un inferno, una vergogna,

un’ansia di scappare (ma restiamo

nei dettagli più essenziale e meno compiaciuti:

la pianta della sacrestia, le malefatte

arcinote del prevosto, l’untuosità dei coadiutori –

il gobbo e il sordo – e delle suore. Il furto

alle cassette, la pistola,

avvolta nel giornale, il colpo in canna…)

Devanshi Khetarpal was born and brought up in Bhopal, India, and currently lives in Manhattan, New York. She is a BA-MA Candidate in Comparative Literature at New York University, specializing in Italian Studies. Visit her website here


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