When mothers die
It’s one of those cosmic wrongs
A mother dying
Being an agent of God and all
The kind of wrong that
Cleaves mountains down the middle
Splits the sky wide
Sends tides crashing against rocks
But when it happens
Amid hushed hallways
In an island of disinfected whites
Where nature hasn’t
the permission to rage
The amplitude is swallowed whole
forced into the veins
Of the ‘next of kin’
Their nerves forever charged
With the volts of lightning
That the sky owed
Their arteries pulsing
With the anguished tides
From a distant sea
Forever condemned
To be ravished by thunder
Nowhere to hide
From flood, fire, act of God
Forever condemned
To carry within
Their own annihilation
About the artist:
Shuchi's paintings refer to a woman who is chaotic, and vulnerable in her own self; naked because there is no layering in her thoughts, giving the viewer an unsettling experience. She makes works when she feels depressed, allowing the plethora of emotions she encounters to inadvertently becomes the concept of her paintings. She fills her paintings with the things people go through - the struggle, extreme emotions, and how you look normal but have ample amount of pain inside. She hopes to create awareness about mental illness through her work. Follow her on Instagram @shuchi.satyavanshi