This is part of an ongoing collaboration with Harper Collins India to get people to read more poetry. Their editors believe that poetry is medicine, magic and so much more. I share this sentiment. I’ve picked five poets from their new special edition #Harper10 series, which highlights the best contemporary poetry from India and the subcontinent. Every Sunday of May, 2020, I’ll be sharing three poems from a poet I love.
Today’s poems are selected from Kazim Ali's collection All One’s Blue.
As writer Anandi Devi puts it, "age-old stories made of rain and skin and flowering into wild bush fires are born out of Kazim Ali’s poetry. The then and the now become blurred as he relives with a new urgency the interrogations of our time through the prism of Sufi lore and song. Myths forming the skeleton of men are seized and burst apart."
I hope you enjoy reading these powerful verses: