It's 4:00 AM in Yangon
And I'm on the balcony
of our Airbnb room
with only a cigarette
and the sounds
of a city sleeping
to keep me company
The honk of a lost car
The whistle of a night train
The hum of air conditioners
I add Knopfler singing
a Dylan song to the mix
to make myself feel
a little less lonely
I see a light on
in the living room
of an apartment
on the fourth floor
I can see a chair
through the window
Waiting patiently
Like a throne waits
to be claimed
by its rightful owner
I wish I had some of
the chair's patience
A solitary rooster crows
Loud enough to be heard
on the eleventh floor
Like me, he's impatient
for the dawn to break
The azaan from a mosque
joins the random symphony
followed by temple chants
Soon the city will stir back to life
And so will the living dead
And even if I still feel lonely
At least it'll be among crowds