“Our parents gave us life but the forest sustains it. From it, we get the four necessities of life: food, shelter, clothing, medicine. It balances the air we breathe, cleanses the water we drink, produces the soil we grow our crops in. It nourishes the spirit in the same way it nourishes the body. We should be endlessly grateful to it - every grove, every tree, every leaf”. -Phra Ajaan Pongsak
"A friend sent me a clipping from which Phra, a Buddhist monk, was quoted. I have read it many times since to remind myself of our relationship with nature. While our lives whistle past, it is easy to forget our small part in a large and complex world, and how we should care for and treasure the nature that surrounds and supports us." -UK-based Tree Artist MSillo 🌳

Follow Tree Artist MSillo on Instagram @msillo_trees