"I love experimenting with materials and giving them an independent role in the creation of my artworks. My methods may often seem destructive or irrational to a stranger, but most of the time I manage to find a method in all my beloved madness.
Cyanotype Printing is a form of sun-printing that provides an abundance of unpredictability. I use a range of household chemicals like lemon, or vinegar, along with the cyanotype chemicals to take the exposures. Once the print sits in the sun I take a stand back and allow the materials to lead the show. I see the process of cyanotype printing as an interaction between me and nature with the final prints being a manifestation of the same. There exists a polarity in the way I approach the process, either through a disciplined and methodical route or a crazy and chaotic route. For me, the key to successful cyanotype printing is finding a balance between the two."
-Prajvi Mandhani

Follow Prajvi's experiments on Instagram.