Instead i take an aspirin I often get headaches meaning holding back tears meaning learning to act, getting better everyday
meaning stretching my lips in a line longer than they are happy with meaning keeping quiet
meaning not saying i love you meaning not asking you why meaning wondering the million possibilities your silence can stretch into meaning to try and defy gravity meaning knowing i will fail
knowing i will fall
meaning baby, let yourself be held meaning you can let it go meaning you can fall too, let’s fall together
meaning nothing is worth letting your body turn into a haunted house
whispering repeating crying out trauma after trauma ; not even yours meaning you can lean - someone will catch you If they don't , you will learn to fold
and curl ; unfold meaning let yourself be loved meaning i can love you meaning i do.
meaning let me shout it out learn to catch learn to fall your body is meant to be held let me try. let me cry.