Making through the nights on a chilly day
The nights have told a story to my ear
about grief and the city departing its corner-
The roads look smaller each day,
with sunlight glowing like a Mongrel in a daydream.
The room has attached its bones to my cervix,
my bones all lukewarm today,
snowy, small and warm.
The traffic- light wait till my body becomes cold again
to know where the city bleeds.
(To see pain is cold too- I consider it a part of my winter story)
toes curled,
and mouth gargling, spitting something hot held inside.
I call it-sins
multiple dreamless slumbers of stars.
I watch
empty flower vase,
standing in the corridor,
to be loved again
free, unchained, warm,
a meditative tea.
About the poet:
Devika Mathur resides in India and is a published poet, writer, editor. Her works have been published in Madras Courier, Modern Literature, Two Drops Of Ink, Dying Dahlia Review, Pif Magazine, Spillwords, Duane's Poetree, Piker Press, Mojave heart review, Whisper and the Roar amongst others. She is the founder of the surreal poetry website Olive skins and writes for She recently published her book "Crimson Skins" and her five poems were also published in Sunday Mornings River anthology recently and has her works upcoming in two more fierce anthologies.
About the artist:
I’m Meghna Kohli, an illustrator and a graphic artist based out of Mumbai. My childhood was surrounded with colours and paint bottles and art material and canvases, literally. One of the privileges of being born in a family of artists and photographers. A natural progression and my love for art emanated. As an artist, it has always been my endeavour to chase the ordinary and present them in my perception to exemplify their beauty. My artworks are narratives. It allows me to capture my perception of moments, feelings and the nostalgia of time. I love experimenting with different styles and varied mediums. Watercolour being my favourite. Water being difficult to tame and the beauty of fluid and flow, like it has a mind of its own. A challenge every single time but with very rewarding outputs. My work awakens memories and translates into a woven spectacle of real and fantasy. I also write. You can view my work on Instagram @meg_kohli