My Oldest Lover
Today I love myself
A little more vehemently
With a little less inhibition.
Without looking left and right.
I’m right in the middle.
I strip in broad daylight now.
The curtains are drawn to let the light in
It's only happenstance that lets your sight in.
There's nothing to see here other than
A girl tracing scars
in the name of counting stars.
I spent all of last night awake on my terrace
To see if I could spot anything in the night sky
As bright as these chinks of light.
At daybreak, I looked to the east
And in my hubris, forgot to shield my eyes.
I must apologize to my neighbors
For the sudden burst of sunlight
I accidentally sent their way, today.
The sun hadn't been teased so, in a while.
So, I spent the afternoon writing my name
In all of my diaries.
When they finally break my door open
To let my ghost out
They will know I take full responsibility
For my words.
I will have died with a pen in my hand
Signing off a letter to my oldest lover.
"Dear K,
Open the door.
They're coming
To read your poems."
About the poet:
Kriti is a doctor by day, sometimes night, and a poet all the time.