"The quarantine has done interesting things to art in general, and I find my creativity being moodier than ever. I think in a way it is also trying to adapt to this current way of being. I am oscillating between feeling charged and inspired and suddenly feeling hopeless, so trying to find a middle ground through things I love to do. Life has been oddly still(yet chaotic!) and stagnant for a while now. But as a self-proclaimed low key optimist, I am trying my best to find beauty in the stillness and channel that collective anxiety into something that I can look at and remember this time by.
I have always been drawn to organic forms and much like a lot of other people who’ve been stuck indoors for months, I miss being out in open spaces, interacting with nature, being under the sun, being near water, and just engaging with life outside of the confinement of our spaces. This is probably why I think I am gravitating towards elements and forms that remind me of that.
Channeling all these scatterbrained emotions through this ongoing series of things that make me happy when I create them. And hopefully, do the same for people who see them :)
So here's some light-hearted, lush, Wakanda-Esque, still as fuck life for visual pleasure." -Noopur Choksi