last night i died in my dreams
and it was beautiful. i remember
shattering into a million pieces
through space and time, every
inch of my being metamorphosing
into wonder. my heart was found
a million years later at the core of
the earth; it had hardened into a
brilliant diamond that no one could
break, not all the weight of the world
would even dare try. my fingers had
become mountains on earth, each
one of them holy and inhabited by
gods of small things like ferns and
caterpillars and paper and the
beginnings of mighty rivers. my
ribs dammed the flow of the amazon,
and the nile, all the water mixed with
the fury of my blood and my tears
erased entire nations off the face
of the earth, leaving no corporation
time to build golden arks and severance
packages. my eyes became lenses in
the sky and the sun shone through
them into all dark places, houses
and churches and hearts and park
benches and therapy clinics.
and my mind, i do not know where it
went, but a million years later someone
pointed an antenna to a star and heard
a poem and called it an anomaly,
which they noted down on a crumpled
piece of paper kept safe in their pocket.
i went supernova, and that was when
i finally found love.
Srijan is a poet and screenwriter based in Mumbai. Writing in both Hindi and English, he derives his inspiration from themes of love, relationships and mental health among others. Follow him on Instagram.