A winter wind blows across the feelings,
It’s harsh, the cold stone of time is rolling
The memories, like frozen moss,
Cover the underlying new grass
It will take years for the grass and flowers to show
The warm thoughts that lie deep inside
But with each passing day, I promise, they shall grow
Till then, the gone time shall they ride
Time has moved on,
Spring is here and a soft fragrance inhales the air
The grass has grown and is moving with the breeze
Waiting for the flowers to blossom under the shade of trees
The caravan of nature is speeding past
But neither a bud is seen nor a leaf
The flower lost its roots to the merciless cold wind
The grass is growing along, without a tear for the open wound
About the poet:
Dr Parul Vaidya is a doctor by profession. A poet, reader and history buff at heart. She knows places by feelings and people by vibes, and can be witty when in the right company. You can find her on Instagram @theamnesicdreams
About the artist:
Nayana currently resides in Kolkata. She is a designer, an illustrator and a writer. Her latest works reflect her love for eerie, other-worldly places. Follow her on Instagram @penscrib